Passive Leg Raising + Stroke Volume for Fluid/Volume Responsiveness

This post is regarding using passive leg raising and stroke volume to determine fluid responsiveness in patients who need resuscitation. Check out far more in depth data regarding all this HERE.

Don’t think that I’m anywhere close to being finished on discussing fluid resuscitation and when to stop, I think I could spend a whole career just talking about this once concept. Drowning our patients with fluids is bad, we all know that.

This study was published on May of 2020 in CHEST. The authors used a device that monitors bioreactance to determine stroke volume. I can admit that at the time of this writing, I have never used this device in my practice. Perhaps one day I will have the chance to do so, but not today. There are other ways to assess stroke volume that I have discussed in this post.

YouTube Video on Passive Leg Raising and Stroke Volume

Citation for Passive Leg and Stroke Volume:

Douglas IS, Alapat PM, Corl KA, Exline MC, Forni LG, Holder AL, Kaufman DA, Khan A, Levy MM, Martin GS, Sahatjian JA, Seeley E, Self WH, Weingarten JA, Williams M, Hansell DM, Fluid Response Evaluation in Sepsis Hypotension and Shock: A Randomized Clinical Trial, CHEST (2020), doi:
Link to Article
Link to PDF

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