Passive Leg Raising + Stroke Volume for Fluid/Volume Responsiveness

This post is regarding using passive leg raising and stroke volume to determine fluid responsiveness in patients who need resuscitation. Check out far more in depth data regarding all this HERE. Don't think that I'm anywhere close to being finished on discussing fluid resuscitation and when to stop, I think I could spend a whole …

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Resuscitation & Passive Leg Raise: Don’t use the blood pressure

Passive leg raising (PLR) is a technique I am going to cover extensively as I am writing a lecture where this will be a hot subtopic. I've covered it before on my blog and instagram. It's all in the effort to NOT drown our patients in IV fluids when they're hypotensive. Turns out that performing a …

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Standard Blood Pressure Measurements in the Critically Ill ICU population

Taking a quick COVID break, we've had enough of that for now. Let's get back to some simple critical care basics: measuring blood pressure in the ICU. We do this on all of our patients at least hourly for the stable patients. It is performed continuously on our unstable patients. Ultimately, though, we need to …

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Corticosteroids for COVID

Some legendary names came out to play for this article regarding corticosteroids in COVID-19. Meduri is the author of the famous Meduri Protocol for methylprednisolone in ARDS and Villar is the author of the article I shared on February 13th (seems like forever ago, really) where they provided dexamethasone for ARDS and showed a mortality …

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ECMO in Adults Training Course for FREE from ELSO

ELSO, the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, is now doing free training course/modules/program on ECMO (extracorporeal membranous oxygenation), both VV and VA in this COVID-19 time. Take advantage! You need to register, of course. It has been over two years since I did ECMO and this is a good refresher course for me. Check it out …

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anticoagulation covid

VTE Prophylaxis or Anticoagulation in COVID: Visiting the Guidelines

If you continue reading on this page, you'll note that I have attempted to tackle the whole conundrum of anticoagulation in COVID patient with the pendulum swinging. My first post on the matter was back on 4/6/20 (when this post was initially created) and the second was on 4/12/20. My attempts to keep modifying my …

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