hydrocortisone cap

Hydrocortisone for Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)

I have to admit the glucocorticoids are amongst my favorite medications that we use regularly in the ICU. Whether it be hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, or methylprednisolone, I have order sets built into my EMR with the dosing for the respective indications. The indications appear to be endless. Today, I am going to be discussing an article …

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Cortisol Levels: Check prior to SDS in Septic Shock?

Your patient is in septic shock. They've gotten the correct source control, antibiotics, fluids, vasopressors. They remain hypotensive. Getting worse, actually. Could they have relative adrenal insufficiency or one of these fancy-termed conditions such as "critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency" (CIRCI)? Some clinicians insist on checking cortisol levels in patients who are in septic shock.  Should …

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IV Vitamin C in Sepsis: It Should Decrease Vasopressor Dose & Duration

The VITAMINS trial looking at IV Vitamin C didn’t pan out was not a positive study as it was conducted. It was surprising as intravenous (IV) Vitamin C in sepsis should help decrease vasopressor dose and duration. My contention with that study is that they took too long to initiate the study drug. A median …

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