Vitamin D Supplementation in Critically Ill ICU Patients

I am constantly reading and educating myself in an attempt to gain whatever edge I possibly can for my patients. Their survival and quality of life is what I have personally dedicated my life to. Being someone who is following along on my journey, I can safely assume you're doing the same. I have become …

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oscillometric map

BP Measurements in the ICU: Trust the MAP in Oscillometric Devices!

Full disclosure. I did not learn these nuances about oscillometric blood pressure cuffs and mean arterial pressure (MAP) until I was a fellow in Critical Care Medicine. It is not widely taught. Do not feel bad that you did not know this. All I ask is for your help to share this with others so …

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tracheostomy outcomes

Tracheostomy Outcomes After One Year from Acute Respiratory Failure

Generally speaking, one has a gut feeling of how long a patient is going to be on mechanical ventilation. Usually around day 7 or 8 I start warning families that a tracheostomy may be in the near future for their loved one and ask if that is something that if the patient knew full and …

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Brachial Arterial Line: A Systematic Review of Sorts

Since I've started working at my new institution, I've placed two brachial arterial lines and an axillary line. As any intensivist will admit, if you're looking elsewhere from the radial, it means that the patient is pretty sick and you need some results quickly. While performing this procedure, I've received strange looks from the nurses …

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Lithium Toxicity: Dialyze or Monitor these Patients?

Lithium toxicity is something we confront in the intensive care unit. (Hypothetical) Case scenario: Patient comes in, accidental overdose of lithium, HD stable, physical exam unremarkable, labs pristine, lithium level of 2.x. Poison control called. ED interventions performed flawlessly. Nephro consulted in the ED and recommends HD if level is above (insert arbitrary number here). …

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