This is cool, really cool. We need more data, but this is a great start. I would not call this the most robust study I have ever seen regarding the care of patients in the intensive care unit. I learned a lot of basic science from reading the introduction as well as discussion on this article and it all makes sense. I don’t see myself using this anytime soon until there’s a study where they add magnesium to a different agent that’s not midazolam because I do not use benzodiazepines in my practice for sedation unless there are extreme cases.
I encourage you read this article yourself as it’s interesting and I don’t want to divulge too much out of respect for the authors. To learn more about non-opioid pain management, CLICK HERE.

Altun D, Eren G, Cetingok H, Hergünsel GO, Çukurova Z. Can we use magnesium for sedation in the intensive care unit for critically ill patients: Is it as effective as other sedatives? Agri. 2019 Apr;31(2):86-92. English. doi: 10.14744/agri.2019.59244. PMID: 30995329.
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