
Anaphylaxis: Act Fast and Save a Life

This page is a work in progress regarding anaphylaxis and was first updated on 4/26/21 and last updated on 4/22/22. Stay tuned for updates.Cite this post as: Eddy J. Gutierrez, "Anaphylaxis: Act Fast and Save a Life", eddyjoemd blog, April 26, 2021. Available at: Citations for Anaphylaxis: (Updated 4/14/22) Li X, Ma Q, Yin …

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double triggering

Double Triggering and Ventilator Asynchrony/Dyssynchrony

Let's start off by defining double triggering. No, it's not saying two things interpreted as inflammatory to someone back to back while they lose their minds. These are strange times we live in. I digress. Double triggering is something that occurs to patients who are mechanical ventilation. The lay person would interpret this as the …

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peripheral vasopressors

Peripheral Vasopressors: Are They Safe for our Patients?

I have quite a love-hate relationship with central lines. They sometimes give me the warm and fuzzies when my Emergency Medicine colleagues call me for a sick patient in the ED who is entirely appropriate for the ICU. I see a right internal jugular central venous catheter on the chest x-ray. In my practice, I …

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intubation timing

Timing of Intubation in COVID-19 Patients: Early or Late?

The pendulum has swung when it comes to deciding when to proceed with intubation of our COVID-19 patients when it comes to timing. The early data suggested early intubation was the way to go as we were all terrified or aerosolization of the virus caused by the high-flow nasal oxygen or different modes of non-invasive …

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procalcitonin sepsis

Procalcitonin Levels: The Ultimate Guide for Use in Sepsis

I've always had a strong interest in Procalcitonin and how to use it appropriately for our hospitalized patients in the ICU. For that reason, I am creating this work-in-progress page to take a deep dive into all evidence-based clinical questions you and I may have regarding procalcitonin. This post will be continuously updated. Don't trust …

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Azithromycin in Outpatient COVID-19: Not Recommended

I am not going to belabor this too much but we should stop using azithromycin in the community setting for COVID-19. The rationale for this recommendation was based on an article that was published on 4 March 2021 in the Lancet. The article is titled "azithromycin for community treatment of suspected COVID-19 in people at …

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proning covid

Proning Spontaneously Breathing COVID-19 Patients

There have been many times during this pandemic where we have tried to reinvent the wheel when it comes to patient care. What we have learned, however, is that returning back to our evidence-based fundamentals have led to the best outcomes. The PROSEVA trial in 2013 showed us that prone positioning in ARDS patients led …

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