Hypothermia for ICU COVID-19 Patients? Exploring other options

I am going to be completely honest here and mention that this particular article that I'm going to be looking at today looking at hypothermia in COVID is more for entertainment purposes at this juncture rather than actual data. The paper that I am using as a citation for this post was published on 30 …

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Tocilizumab for COVID-19: The Return (RECOVERY Group)

Today is February 12 of 2021 and I'm gonna be discussing this new not quite yet peer-reviewed article from the recovery trial collaborative group titled “Tocilizumab for COVID-19” or it might be called “Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): Preliminary results of a randomized, controlled, open-label, platform trial. Should we be giving …

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high flow nasal cannula

High Flow Nasal Cannula in Clinical Practice: Recommendations/Guidelines

During this journey I have learned that standard-of-care is not necessarily practiced as well as we all think. We all have our own issues, but there are some things that should just be done in the interest of our patients. During the current pandemic, I have come to realize that many institutions did not have …

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methylprednisolone covid

Methylprednisolone in COVID-19: Pulse dose & other regimens

For historical context, today is 11/19/2021 when I have provided a major update to this page with the citations. Like everything else on my page, it is a work-in-progress. The guidelines are still recommending 6mg of dexamethasone per day for oxygen-requiring patients with COVID-19. I have extensively covered the data behind doing so on this …

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Procedure Log for a Private Practice Intensivist: 2020 Update

To conclude 2019, I posted on Instagram my personal statistics/procedure log from my job as an Intensivist in a non-academic facility. I am a private practice physician. The vast majority of the time, I do not work with an NP nor a PA. I have been collecting the data regarding how many encounters I have …

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GI Bleed Dose Vasopressin: Is it even a thing?

I have seen well respected clinicians provide a patient with a gastrointestinal (GI) bleed with high doses of systemic vasopressin. Throughout my three years of residency training and two years of fellowship at a well respected institution, I have not seen this used once in practice. Let's take a look at what this really means …

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100,000 views on a Medical YouTube Video: How much did I earn?

This week, my video on YouTube titled "ICU/Intensive Care: How to Present A Patient During Rounds" surpassed 100000 views on my YouTube channel. This is the first time that my medical channel has accomplished this feat and I am quite happy about it. It's quite funny to me that my third YouTube video is still …

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