covid precautions

Discontinuing Contact Precautions in COVID-19 Patients

We've gotten quite good at putting today negative pressure rooms for our patients who are hospitalized with COVID. We've gotten our PPE sorted out. We're pretty solid with our donning and doffing. But when should we discontinue contact precautions on these patients? Should they be on isolation for their entire hospitalization? When can family members …

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Remdesivir: $3120 worth of “uncertain clinical importance”

Here's my bias on 8/22/2020. I don't think that Remdesivir is a game-changer by any stretch of the imagination. This is subject to change with future studies. I could be wrong. To me, it is a pharmacologic agent looking for an indication. Gilead has spent $2.45 million dollars lobbying (per NPR) Congress in the first …

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zinc metabolic resuscitation

Zinc for Metabolic Resuscitation in Critical Illness

Did you know that zinc is the second-most abundant trace metal in the human body? A quick reminder that iron comes in first place. Zinc is an essential component of protein structure and function. It enables gene transcription and is a "catalytic component of approximately 2000 enzymes" (Read, et al). Could we use zinc for …

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Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for Postexposure Prophylaxis in COVID-19

I wish this was a positive study regarding hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for postexposure prophylaxis but unfortunately it is not. Let's start off with a bit of a head scratcher. I'm struggling with how they worded the study "Postexposure prophylaxis". Prophylaxis, by definition, means "action taken to prevent disease" per the Oxford dictionary. But if you are …

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Vitamin C for COVID: Possible Prophylaxis & Adjunctive Therapy

Bias alert. I am bullish on Vitamin C. Aren't things easier when you don't have to wonder these things? I digress. The article cited for this post was published in the journal Nutrition on 7/25/2020. Obviously, the title of the paper "Vitamin C as prophylaxis and adjunctive medical treatment for COVID-19?" caught my attention. Hat …

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tocilizumab covacta

Does Actemra/Tocilizumab Actually Work? Update to the COVACTA Study

Check out the addendum from 10/19 at the end of this post. COVID IS SOOOOO FRUSTRATING TO TREAT! Another tool taken out of the tool box with this COVACTA study looking at tocilizumab in COVID-19. Several weeks ago, I covered tocilizumab and cytokine storm in this post. Check it out for further details. I am …

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hydroxychloroquine outpatient

Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc in Outpatient Medicine

Does hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc help non-hospitalized/outpatient COVID patients in the community? The short answer is that we don't know. If you are convinced 100% that it is a "cure" or 100% that it kills everyone, you need to take a step back and take a deep breath. Your emotions got the best of you. …

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critical care fellowship

How to Become an Intensivist: Critical Care Fellowship

So glad you're interested in becoming an Intensivist and looking into starting a Critical Care Fellowship! Let's get the simple stuff out of the way. You need to go to college and obtain the prerequisites to get you into a medical school. The MCAT needs to be completed. In medical school you need to pass …

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A Day in the Life of an Intensivist/Critical Care Physician

To those of you who are not familiar with my work on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, as well as my website, my name is Eddy Joe. I am an Internal Medicine trained, board certified Critical Care Physician. My passion is taking care of the critically ill patients. This post is going to go through, as …

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