haldol icu

Haldol (Haloperidol) in the ICU: One-Minute Journal Club

Haldol is an antipsychotic that we frequently use in the ICU for delirium.But the truth is that the data behind using it is not as robust as we would like.Earlier today, there was a paper published in the NEJM that attempted to find its effects on delirium.Hat tip to the authors. Read these data for …

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icu delirium

Delirium in the ICU & Critically Ill Patients

Unfortunately, delirium in ICU and critically ill patients is a quite common problem that we are having trouble making progress on controlling. It is quite frustrating when I am caring for a patient who has recovered from their main life-threatening insult to be left encephalopathic and the family constantly asking "what's wrong". The most common …

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delirium light

Delirium in Mechanically Ventilated Patients: Let the Natural Light in!

I have great disdain for delirium. Natural light brings me great joy. Today, for example, the sun isn't shining bright. The day is cloudy and gloomy. I am, in turn, a little grouchy. Daylight savings is coming and I'm already upset about it. I can turn on the light but it won't be the same. …

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Melatonin on Delirium in Hospitalized Patients

We are all trying to combat delirium by all possible means. Getting pts their glasses and hearing aides. Keeping the lights on during the day. Having family around to speak to them. We’ve also had recent trials which have been quite disappointing using medications. Could there be a good cheap medication to prevent #delirium? This …

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