Emotional Intelligence in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Dr James Stoller from the Cleveland Clinic published this review on emotional intelligence needed in ICU physicians/practitioners. You can be the smartest person in the world but unless you have developed the key components of emotional intelligence, many of those skills will not have their time to shine. When I was in training, I cared for …

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critical care fellowship

How to Become an Intensivist: Critical Care Fellowship

So glad you're interested in becoming an Intensivist and looking into starting a Critical Care Fellowship! Let's get the simple stuff out of the way. You need to go to college and obtain the prerequisites to get you into a medical school. The MCAT needs to be completed. In medical school you need to pass …

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A Day in the Life of an Intensivist/Critical Care Physician

To those of you who are not familiar with my work on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, as well as my website, eddyjoemd.com my name is Eddy Joe. I am an Internal Medicine trained, board certified Critical Care Physician. My passion is taking care of the critically ill patients. This post is going to go through, as …

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carbon dioxide bicarbonate

Bicarbonate (Carbon Dioxide/CO2) on Serum BMP & Blood Gases/ABG

When you obtain a basic metabolic panel (BMP) or complete metabolic panel (CMP), you get the usual values reported on it: Na, K, Cl, carbon dioxide (CO2), glucose, BUN, creatinine, etc. The value that seems to cause the most confusion is the "carbon dioxide/CO2". This especially happens while I'm teaching on rounds where my mind …

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Featured foamed #foamed

Daily FOAMed Articles from eddyjoemd

This page contains a lengthy collection of fun/exciting (to me, at least) FOAMed articles I have shared on Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and Facebook. Many have been discussed on The Saving Lives Podcast. Consider subscribing to my monthly newsletter to receive everything I posted that month. Many articles were obtained from Rob Mac Sweeney's newsletter. …

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ABIM Critical Care Board Certification Exam: How I passed my Boards

Back in December 2017, I found out that I had passed my ABIM board certification exam for critical care medicine. I created this video on youtube for those who are interested in learning about the methodologies I pursued to be able to pass this challenging exam. Needless to say, it was the most challenging board …

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ABIM Board Certification Exam: Passing the Internal Medicine Boards

Several years ago, I took and passed my ABIM Board Certification exam for Internal Medicine. I made this video for YouTube when I was a younger whipper snapper and it has proven to have been quite helpful for some. In this video, I go over the different methods which I used to study for and …

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Upcoming Lectures

The following are places where I am going to be doing my lectures in the upcoming months:2020April 4: Ponte Vedra Beach, FL: Link to ProgramInnovations in Cerebrovascular Science Conference: Topic "Pulmonary Disorders in Acute Neurological Injury"Cancelled. May 14: West Palm Beach, FL: Link to Program Topics: Fluids and Metabolic Resuscitation, Lactic Acidosis, NIV and HFNCCancelled.May 25-29: Maui, …

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